Some Stuff Thursday

  • I’ve actually done well this week. I gained at my last weigh in (I can’t remember if I said that on here), which was disappointing since I’ve been working out like crazy the last two months and haven’t lost a damn thing. And been pretty good about eating. I could be better, but I still feel like my efforts are enough that it should get me somewhere, you know? Sigh. I’ll keep at it though
  • Oh, so by “good this week” I mean that I’ve made plans and kept to them. This weekend I was careful not to over drink, since I was going out/ doing stuff 2 nights. Matt and I did a trivia night out on Tuesday, and I went in with a plan, and stuck to it. I only ate half my burger, and half my fries (even though it was SO GOOD), and had the drinks I preplanned.
  • For this week, I have used all my weeklies, but none of my activity points, which I think is a positive thing, considering all the meals/drinks out I had. I’m pretty psyched at this.
  • This is the first week in awhile that my hip has been a bit sore. I did a circuit/jillian michaels workout combo on Saturday, and I definitely used a lot of muscles I hadn’t used in awhile because I was painfully sore in my back hip on Sunday haha. I felt better by Monday, but ever since my Monday workout (which was a lot of cardio I’ll admit), my left thigh has been really tight, and my hip has been naggy. Not sore… just tight. So I just bought a foam roller, because honestly I think that was the main thing besides the stretches that really helped.
  • I really want a glass of wine tonight haha .But I’m glad I moved my weigh ins to Friday (did I tell you guys that?), because I think drinking Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday night  has been sabotaging me, a lot.
  • Easter weekend should be quiet. Tomorrow is “Marie Day”. I have the day off work, so my general plan is to wake up early, go to the gym, meet Matt for lunch, and then go to the Museum of Fine Arts for an afternoon. I’m so excited 🙂 I’m not an artist, but I love and appreciate good art, and some of my favorite days have been spent at Art museums. The MFA, The National Gallery in London, the Tate/Tate Modern (I went to a lot of art museums in London haha). I really need a day to myself, to do something for myself. So I’m excited 🙂
  • Other than that, not much else going on this weekend. Lots of family time, cleaning (hopefully), and hopefully relaxing. I’m hoping to get in one workout other than tomorrow. And to being careful with all the food and desserts on Sunday.

Happy (almost) Friday!

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